Welcome to High Ty’d Charters, Pensacola, FL

High Ty’d Charters is a top-rated scenic charter in Pensacola, Florida.  The boat is shaded, fast, and comfortable 6-Pack (passenger) Grady White boat based at Southwind Marina, west of the Naval Air Station. From Southwind it’s just a short ride to Pensacola Pass, the Gulf of Mexico, Pensacola Bay, Pensacola Beach, Big Lagoon, Perdido Bay, and Perdido Pass. We pride ourselves on having a safe, comfortable boat, with a fun and helpful crew in Pensacola. Contact us today, we would love to take you see the sights of Pensacola from the water!

Pensacola Sights
The waters of Pensacola, FL offers a variety of sights to see.  Depending on the route chosen, there is plenty to see:  NAS Lighthouse, Downtown Pensacola, 3 Mile Bridge, Pensacola Beach, Fort Pickens, Perdido Key, Johnson Beach, Big Lagoon, Perdido Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico.  There is a healthy dolphin population in the Pensacola area.  We usually see many dolphins on a cruise.  A special treat on Tuesday and Wednesdays is the Blue Angel Practice.  Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

A great place to visit for you and your family/group.

Let us take you out in the waters around Pensacola.  We can take you to see certain Pensacola landmarks or go out and anchor to enjoy the fresh air and salt water!  See you soon!!!!

Contact Us
Let us know where and what type of Scenic Cruise (Sunset, Afternoon, Morning, Gulf Loop, Blue Angel Practice, or build your own) you like. Our goal is to make your trip memorable. If you have any special requests, let us know. Our goal is to provide you with an exciting trip, professional service, and memories to last a lifetime. Contact us to help plan your cruise!